"Was I born into this world clutching my favorite stuffed animal, a blue felt, moleskin bunny? It seems so. My earliest memories are inseparable with my stuffed animal named simply Bunny, my twin. Dangerous forays into the woods, splashing in mud-puddles or even field-trips to the dump; Bunny was always right there alongside me!
I grew up in the the generation before our current litigious society reared its ugly head. It was the 70's in Waitsfield, Vermont. I was 6 years old. Kids got to go the dump and play there. When my Dad went to the dump to take real garbage, he would take me and my brother along (Bunny gets to go!) The dump was a fantasy-land of treasure. I remember finding ancient Chinese coins, a coil of copper wire, and once, a discarded animal: Peter, a stuffed rabbit. Peter became just as close as Bunny.
Trauma struck one day, when we moved from Vermont back to Michigan. Eight hours into the drive, I remembered with a jolt that Peter was still in my bedroom closet back in Vermont! Why we never turned around or why Peter was not shipped back to me, is lost....new bunnies came into my life, but Peter is forever lost...until... pulled out of the portal here, he lives once again in the medium of wire. Never grow up..."
-Josh Brooke Coté
I grew up in the the generation before our current litigious society reared its ugly head. It was the 70's in Waitsfield, Vermont. I was 6 years old. Kids got to go the dump and play there. When my Dad went to the dump to take real garbage, he would take me and my brother along (Bunny gets to go!) The dump was a fantasy-land of treasure. I remember finding ancient Chinese coins, a coil of copper wire, and once, a discarded animal: Peter, a stuffed rabbit. Peter became just as close as Bunny.
Trauma struck one day, when we moved from Vermont back to Michigan. Eight hours into the drive, I remembered with a jolt that Peter was still in my bedroom closet back in Vermont! Why we never turned around or why Peter was not shipped back to me, is lost....new bunnies came into my life, but Peter is forever lost...until... pulled out of the portal here, he lives once again in the medium of wire. Never grow up..."
-Josh Brooke Coté